Freelance Writer

Category: Kids and Family

  • What I Didn’t Know I Needed to Hear

    The Unexpected Answer My heart raced heavily and my lungs gasped for air as sweat poured off my forehead. I cried out in desperation to God, longing for Him to speak. I was looking for direction in a specific area of my life, and if I’m honest, I was looking for a mental distraction. I…

  • 5 Reasons to Take Your Kids Camping this Summer

    5 Reasons to Take Your Kids Camping this Summer

    Camping with kids may have it’s difficulties… but I’m here to tell you why it is 100% worth it!

  • Creativity: an Inherent Connection to the Creator

    Creativity: an Inherent Connection to the Creator

    Sometimes, I wonder if I have any similar character attributes to God – on a much smaller, imperfect level, of course. There’s the obvious characteristics, like being loving, honest, and selfless, which I hope I reflect to some extent, but often have to work at. There’s something within my nature though that I never thought…