There is something about being out in nature that evokes a feeling of peacefulness within. The sun glistening off of the water’s surface which so brilliantly reflects the glorious green trees above… The mountains in the distance, silently commanding your attention with their prestigious peaks and snow-capped beauty… All I can do is gaze in awe. The creativity of God’s design never ceases to amaze me.
Sometimes, I wonder if I have any similar character attributes to God – on a much smaller, imperfect level, of course. There’s the obvious characteristics, like being loving, honest, and selfless, which I hope I reflect to some extent, but often have to work at. There’s something within my nature though that I never thought had much to do with my relationship with God, as if it was somehow separate. Only recently, have I begun to see the connection.
The Creative Type
Creativity is something that flows through my veins; it is a way I approach every situation in life. When I am being creative, is when I feel most alive. This has come out in various ways throughout my life. When I was growing up, it meant doodling on my notes in school, creating craft projects, writing short stories, songs, or plays, and making homemade cards for loved ones. In my adult life, my creativity can often get pushed to the side for higher priority (less-fun) things. However, I am learning that it is something that can present itself even in everyday activities.
In my personal life, it can be expressed through pyrography, writing, baking, planning and decorating for birthday parties, furnishing my home, or playing with or cooking with the kids. Professionally, at my last job, it came out in designing graphics, remodeling a lobby, crafting emails, creating slides and bulletins, writing newsletters, and designing event promotion material. Creativity often presents itself in more ways than I realize.
The Seemingly Insignificant
With creativity showing up in so many ways, sometimes I take it for granted, or assume it’s something everyone has. I also tend to undermine myself, questioning my ability, because I know there are people who are much better at it than me, in every form. I certainly don’t often enough consider how it connects me to God, the ultimate Creator.
When I am creating something, I don ‘t usually imagine God painting the sky with perfect sunset shades of pink and orange. I don’t often picture him dotting the last carefully placed freckle on the cheek of a child.
Today, I feel it, as I sit down to write. I feel the connection. It’s as if I see God handing me the gift of creativity, and saying, “My child, here is an attribute of myself that I give to you.” I can’t help but be thankful and desire to use it for His glory.
Tori Anne
“Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well”
Psalm 139:14b