Freelance Writer

5 Reasons to Take Your Kids Camping this Summer

(no matter the age!)

To me, nothing says “summer” more than roasting marshmallows over a campfire, surrounded by family members, under a netting of stars. Some of my best memories growing up were of going camping each summer. As a kid, it felt fun and carefree, giving me the opportunity to play and discover the world!

As a grown up, camping tends to be a little less carefree, since I am partially responsible for the setup, meals, packing, washing dishes, etc. Even with the increased responsibilities though, I still thoroughly enjoy camping!

Adding Kids to the Camping Mix…

Camping with kids of your own creates a whole new experience: cringing at sweet little faces covered in a constant layer of dirt,  trying to distract fearless new walkers from heading straight towards the campfire, and listening to whining about things like being too hot or too cold, too uncomfortable, or getting bitten by bugs. The logistics of parenting young kids while camping are not always the most appealing… but, hang tight, because I still believe the benefits outweigh the difficulties.

When you camp with young kids, they get a chance to:

child holding frog camping

1. Experience Nature

What better way is there for the kids to learn about the world, than to immerse themselves in nature? On our recent camping trip, my kids had so much fun exploring the outdoors! They wandered in the forest, played in the water, investigated interesting bugs we had never seen before, searched for rocks, and found snakes and frogs by the lake. The simplest things brought huge smiles to their faces! My kids love playing outside, and I want to give them every opportunity to do so. With the ever-increasing pull of technology, I think it is important to embrace the appeal of nature.

2. Be Uncomfortable

This may not strike you as a positive thing, but let me explain! Everyone needs a certain level of uncomfortableness in order to grow. Being away from the setting we are familiar with and all the comforts of home for a few days, does us all some good! Not having running water, electricity, or our own beds to sleep in, increases our ability to adapt to uncomfortable environments. We learn to prepare beforehand by bringing our own water, games for entertainment, and something to sleep on that creates a barrier between you and the rock hard ground. We also learn to adjust some of our standards of cleanliness, comfort, or a “good night’s sleep”. Creating a flexible and adaptable attitude in our kids will help them in the future when things don’t go their way.

kids roasting marshmallows while camping

3. Learn Skills

Camping gives kids the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills. If you are near water of any type, this could include swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, or fishing. Wherever you are, I’d encourage you to involve your kids in the process of setting up camp. Teach them to help set up and take down the tents and their own sleeping bags. Show them how to roast marshmallows over the fire to make a perfect ooey-gooey s’more. 

kayaking on the lake while camping

4. Disconnect from Technology

One of the most beneficial aspects, in my opinion, is that we remove ourselves from the distraction of technology. No tv, no internet, just quality time with the ones you love! Kids have the chance to become “bored” and start exploring or getting creative with ways to entertain themselves. On our latest camping trip, one of the ways our kids found to entertain themselves, and us as well, was to tell “spooky stories” with their cousins. They shut themselves inside a tent for about an hour to think and practice, in secret, keeping us grown ups out of the loop. Then, later in the evening, they put on a spooky story show, where they took turns telling stories and acting it out. They were enthralled in their stories and put a lot of effort into the performance. Better than any show I’ve seen in a long time, for sure!

kids eating dinner camping

5. Create Memories to last a lifetime!

Time spent with family is never wasted. I don’t mean time merely in the same physical space, but time you take truly connecting with one another, talking, sharing interests, or playing together – even bonding over a common annoyance- like itchy bug bites! Camping gives us all this opportunity to step back from the busyness of our everyday lives and focus on the people around us. The kids won’t remember the hours you spent shopping and meal-planning in preparation. They won’t sigh over the tedious job of packing and unpacking, or look back in disgust over the 3 days you spent without a shower. They won’t yawn begrudgingly over the level of tiredness you felt after fighting over blankets all night. What they will remember is the time that they got to:

Play in the lake and explore the woods

Stay up past their bedtime to put on a “spooky story” show

See more stars in the sky than they ever thought was possible

Have hot cocoa at breakfast time just to stay warm

Catch tadpoles in a bucket to observe before setting them free

Spend 3 days straight with their cousins and grandparents

These are the things that will last in their memories for years to come. They will look back at this time fondly, and be thankful you decided to take them!

Camping Does Us All Some Good!

These are just a few of the benefits that I, personally, believe make camping with kids worth it! We recently with camping with 7 kids in tow (4 of them 2 years old and under). It was an adventure, to say the least! Yes, there are plenty of difficult aspects of camping and for this reason, it may not be something everyone chooses to do. If you’re on the fence, I’d encourage you to give it a try! Hey, worst case, you end up in a huge hail storm, flip over in your kayak, or find a snake in your tent? Then at least you’ll come home with a story to tell – making the trip will be all-the-more memorable!

Tori Anne

Happy Camping!

happy camper baby


if you are looking for a few helpful items for your camping trip, these are a few that were most beneficial to us:

Helpful Camping Accessories

baby camping chair with tray

Baby Camp Chair:

This is perfect for keeping the little ones contained (ie: out of the fire!) We actually use this at home as our daughter’s main highchair. We love it because it has straps that attach to a normal chair, so she can be right at the table with us. Bonus: the cover comes off and can be thrown in the wash!

Shade Tent/Bug Net:

This pop-up shade tent is versatile and quick to set up! We have used ours several times this summer. We brought it to the lake, a yard sale, an outdoor birthday party, and of course, camping. On our camping trip, it provided shade from the sun during the day, a haven from bugs at night, and worked as another way to contain little ones and keep them safe. We set up a pack n play inside the tent and may or may not have referred to it as “baby jail”.

camp shade tent
black out tent

Black-Out Tent:

One of the major down-sides to camping in the past has been waking up way before we’re ready, because light comes pouring into the tent around 5 am. This black-out tent has been a game changer! Even our kids, who are always up by 6 on a normal day, actually slept in past 8 in the morning while we were camping! Oh, and this one has a screen porch, which allows you to keep shoes, bugs, and dirt to a minimum inside of your sleep area. Best tent we have ever had, by far! It fits our family of 5 fairly comfortably, even with our double cots. Though, our kids are still pretty small! We will likely kick them out into their own tent soon 😉